Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Action Research from my Perspective

This has been the first time that I have dealt with the term "action research" in my educational career. My experiences have always been with the traditional research models that have been used throughout the years. Usually I have received information concerning research that has been conducted by someone that I have never heard of in an inservice meeting and then I have been asked to implement some type of program that the school believes will help our students in some way. Throughout my 16 years in public education I have been a part of implementing so many new programs that I cannot begin to count them all. The sad thing is that most of the programs did not last more than one year before they were replaced by yet another new educational fad. I have always accepted that this is the way that things were done in education and I have always tried to be faithful and do whatever was asked of me without questioning the relevance or logic of many of the programs.

In the last week I have learned much about "action research" and how it can help me as a professional to grow as well as how it can benefit our teachers and students. I believe that action research can be much more productive than traditional research in that the principal is directly involved in the research and things can be done at the campus level. With "action research" you can address immediate concerns that are impacting your schools. I like the fact that "action research" is done by someone that is an actual stakeholder and not someone that is at the university level and has no direct link to the school.

I believe that administrator inquiry or action research will be of great benefit to me in analyzing and addressing concerns that are specific to my school. I also believe that this type of research may help me be more involved and "connected" with my faculty. I would personally like to use my leadership teams on campus as a "learning organization" when I become an administrator.

These are just some of my recent experiences and views on "Action Research"!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vincent...I truly appreciate your honesty in your blog. And I know we are not suppose to say "I agree", but I do! After I thought about action research, I already do it, more than I thought at first. I was just use to traditional educational research but this just makes sense.
